Sunday, February 13, 2011

Student Success Fee: You need to know this!

This spring, several colleges (including our College of Engineering) will be voting to adopt a fee increase, called a Student Success Fee. The purpose of this fee is to raise money to fund improvements above and beyond the minimum curriculum established by the CSU Board of Directors. For the College of Engineering, this fee would be used to fund things like better lab equipment, more lab technicians, more student design projects, remote access to engineering software, and other awesomeness!

The most important point is this: YOU get to decide what the money would go to. If the fee gets approved, the Dean will organize a group of student representatives from each of the four engineering departments to help decide on exactly what the money gets spent on.

The vote will take place on March 9th and 10th on Blackboard. Please make sure to educate yourself on the details before you vote! Further details can be found at the links below.

FAQ's about the Engineering Success Fee (PDF)

> Engineering Success Fee Website

> Campus Fee Advisory Committee Site ~ Success Fees in General

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